Digital Guide to Blended Learning / Canllaw Digidol i Ddysgu Cyfunol

This Friday 7th January, the majority of Ysgol Calon Cymru pupils will begin the Spring Term with a day of learning from home. As we once again face the challenge of home learning temporarily, it is important to ensure that all of our young people get the opportunity to continue with their learning.

Today we have published an updated Digital Guide to Blended Learning for this new term, along with a new letter to parents and carers from Assistant Head Teacher Lyndon Jones. Please take some time to read over this letter and also take a look at the new guide, which gives guidance on how to access resources on Hwb, Moodle and more.

For any queries or further support please email: Thank you for your continuing support during these challenging times.

Ddydd Gwener yma 7fed Ionawr, bydd mwyafrif disgyblion Ysgol Calon Cymru yn cychwyn Tymor y Gwanwyn gyda diwrnod o ddysgu gartref. Wrth i ni wynebu her dysgu gartref dros dro unwaith eto, mae'n bwysig sicrhau bod pob un o'n pobl ifanc yn cael y cyfle i barhau â'u dysgu.

Heddiw rydym wedi cyhoeddi Canllaw Digidol wedi'i ddiweddaru ar Ddysgu Rhyngweithiol ar gyfer y tymor newydd hwn, ynghyd â llythyr newydd at rieni a gofalwyr gan y Pennaeth Cynorthwyol Lyndon Jones. Cymerwch ychydig o amser i ddarllen dros y llythyr hwn a hefyd edrych ar y canllaw newydd, sy'n rhoi arweiniad ar sut i gael gafael ar adnoddau ar Hwb, Moodle a mwy.

Am unrhyw ymholiadau neu gefnogaeth bellach, e-bostiwch: Diolch am eich cefnogaeth barhaus yn ystod yr amseroedd heriol hyn.