Ysgol Calon Cymru uses Go4Schools as our online hub for tracking pupil performance, attendance, homework and behaviour. All pupils and their parents/carers have an account to help keep on top of their journey through school from Year 7 onwards.

“GO4Schools is a powerful, joined-up, online system that supports whole-school improvement in a way no other system does. We make it easy to capture, analyse and share classroom data in real time, allowing your staff, students and parents to make better decisions – daily. It's the efficient, smart and agile way to work with school data.”

—Information from the Go4Schools website

Mae Ysgol Calon Cymru yn defnyddio Go4Schools fel ein hyb ar-lein ar gyfer olrhain perfformiad, presenoldeb, gwaith cartref ac ymddygiad disgyblion. Mae gan bob disgybl a’u rhieni/gofalwyr gyfrif i’w helpu i gadw ar ben eu taith drwy’r ysgol o Flwyddyn 7 ymlaen.

“Mae GO4Schools yn system ar-lein bwerus, gydgysylltiedig sy’n cefnogi gwelliant ysgol gyfan mewn ffordd nad oes unrhyw system arall yn ei gwneud. Rydyn ni'n ei gwneud hi'n hawdd casglu, dadansoddi a rhannu data ystafell ddosbarth mewn amser real, gan ganiatáu i'ch staff, myfyrwyr a rhieni wneud penderfyniadau gwell - yn ddyddiol. Dyma’r ffordd effeithlon, smart ac ystwyth o weithio gyda data ysgolion.”

—Gwybodaeth o wefan Go4Schools

Setting Up Parent/Pupil Passwords

Please follow the guides below to set up a parent or pupil password on Go4Schools.

Sefydlu Cyfrineiriau Rhiant/Disgybl

Dilynwch y canllawiau isod i osod cyfrinair rhiant neu ddisgybl ar Go4Schools.