Progress Leaders / Arweinwyr Cynnydd:

Miss MacMillan & Mr Roberts

Builth Campus (6).JPG

Sixth Form Prospective Students

Darpar Fyfyrwyr Chweched Dosbarth

Support for Year 11 in choosing and preparing for AS Levels

In this section of the website, you can find the Sixth Form prospectus which will give you some insight into Sixth Form life, and the specifics of each course.

Cefnogaeth i Flwyddyn 11 wrth ddewis a pharatoi ar gyfer Safon UG

Yn yr adran hon o'r wefan, gallwch ddod o hyd i brosbectws y Chweched Dosbarth a fydd yn rhoi cipolwg i chi ar fywyd y Chweched Dosbarth, a manylion pob cwrs.

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Miss Rhys-Jones

Miss Macmillan

Mr Roberts

Welcome to the Year 11 platform. You are nearing the end of your GCSE journey and this year is a key landmark in your education.  

By the end of this academic year you will have completed your GCSE examinations. This area will give you access to resources that will support your learning, from reading lists through to revision strategies and resources. Independent learning, along with use of GCSE POD and PIXL Maths APP,  will ensure that you are as prepared for your examinations and controlled assessments. Should you have enquiries over the coming months please use the below email address.

GCSEs can be a stressful and anxious time for pupils but being prepared will help limit worries. Can I draw attention to our wellbeing platform to assist with mental health and wellbeing concerns in addition to accessing our Pastoral Support Officers during school hours. All pupils also have access to drop in sessions run by the school nurse and by referral to counsellors, youth workers and other outside agencies. Aim high, work hard and stay focused. We wish you every success with your studies.

Miss MacMillan

Builth Campus / Campws Llanfair-ym-Muallt

Mr Roberts

Llandrindod Campus / Campws Llandrindod

Croeso i lwyfan Blwyddyn 11. Rydych yn agosáu at ddiwedd eich taith TGAU ac mae eleni yn garreg filltir allweddol yn eich addysg.

Erbyn diwedd y flwyddyn academaidd hon byddwch wedi cwblhau eich arholiadau TGAU. Bydd y maes hwn yn rhoi mynediad i chi at adnoddau a fydd yn cefnogi eich dysgu, o restrau darllen i strategaethau ac adnoddau adolygu. Bydd dysgu annibynnol, ynghyd â defnyddio TGAU POD a PIXL Maths APP, yn sicrhau eich bod yr un mor barod ar gyfer eich arholiadau ac asesiadau dan reolaeth. Os bydd gennych ymholiadau dros y misoedd nesaf defnyddiwch y cyfeiriad e-bost isod.

Gall TGAU fod yn gyfnod llawn straen a phryder i ddisgyblion ond bydd paratoi yn helpu i gyfyngu ar bryderon. A gaf i dynnu sylw at ein platfform lles i gynorthwyo gyda phryderon iechyd meddwl a lles yn ogystal â chael mynediad at ein Swyddogion Cymorth Bugeiliol yn ystod oriau ysgol. Mae pob disgybl hefyd yn cael mynediad i sesiynau galw heibio sy’n cael eu rhedeg gan nyrs yr ysgol a thrwy gyfeirio at gwnselwyr, gweithwyr ieuenctid ac asiantaethau allanol eraill. Anelwch yn uchel, gweithiwch yn galed a chadwch ffocws. Dymunwn bob llwyddiant i chi gyda'ch astudiaethau.

Supporting Independent Learning

Guide to Digital Tools

Click on the button below to access Ysgol Calon Cymru’s guide to the digital tools that we use to support independent learning. This includes guides on how to access independent learning tasks on the school VLE, resources on Hwb and more.

For any queries or further support please email:

Cefnogi Dysgu Annibynnol

Canllaw i Offer Digidol

Cliciwch ar y botwm isod i gael mynediad i ganllaw Ysgol Calon Cymru i’r offer digidol rydyn ni’n eu defnyddio i gefnogi dysgu annibynnol. Mae hyn yn cynnwys canllawiau ar sut i gael mynediad at dasgau dysgu annibynnol ar amgylchedd dysgu rhithwir yr ysgol, adnoddau ar Hwb a mwy.

Am unrhyw ymholiadau neu gefnogaeth bellach, e-bostiwch:

Additional Support and Information

Cefnogaeth a Gwybodaeth Ychwanegol


Syllabus Links